
Do's and Dont's of Weight Training

Weight training has a prime role in losing your extra body fat. Furthermore, weight training gives enough strength, muscle tone and boosts bone density. However, you have to perform the training appropriately to reap the benefits. Otherwise, incorrect position or lifting may result in severe injuries.

Do 1-Lift the Right Amount of Weight

To start, you have to select a weight, which you may lift easily and do at least 12 reps comfortably. You should increase the weight gradually as you gain strength.

Do 2-Always Use the Right Form of Exercise

You must learn the right form to perform each exercise. Whenever you lift weights, you must move your body through its full motion range in the joints. Your exercise results will depend solely on your form and simultaneously, you avoid hurting yourself. If possible, you should reduce the number of repetitions or the weight to maintain the right form. Moreover, if you have doubts, you must discuss them with your personal trainer before move ahead with the training. Luckily, you may discuss your concern with The Training Notebook app as well. The app maintains each minor detail related to the exercise schedule and other fitness-related requirements in a single place.

Do 3-Make Sure of Perfect Body Balance

You must work each of your body muscles, such as hips, abdomen, chest, legs, shoulders, back, and arms. Particularly, you should improve the strength of opposite muscles by maintaining the right balance.

Do 4-Include Strength Training

You must include a few strength-training exercises of your muscle groups in a regular fitness routine.

Do 5-Take Rest with Exercise

You must avoid exercising the same group of muscles on consecutive days. Instead, you should work each of your muscle groups at only one session for 2 or 3 times in one week. Alternatively, you may have daily sessions for a particular type of muscle group. Besides, you must take a rest for a while before starting any new exercise.

Don't 1-Skip the Warm-up

Cold muscles are usually prone to cause injury as compared to warm muscles. Hence, before you start lifting weights, you must make sure to warm up for 5 minutes to 10 minutes. You do not have to do intense running. Instead, you may choose for a brisk walk of 10 minutes or any other aerobic activity.

Don't 2-Overdo Any Exercise

Completing a specific exercise set up to the point of fatigue is enough for many individuals. In this situation, additional sets may consume too much time, which to overload injury. You must remember that the number of reps and sets depends on your fitness level and goals.

Don’t 3-Move any Weight in Hurry

You must move any weight slowly and in a controlled way. When you go ahead slowly, you may isolate the target body muscles. In this way, you do not have to rely on momentum for lifting the weight.

Don’t 4-Overlook Your Pain

Even though mild pain during the workout is normal for beginners, you must never overlook it. If possible, you must stop the exercise, if it causes excessive pain. You have to try the same exercise after few days or try with less weight.

Weight training is the best way to achieve long-term fitness. The only thing you must consider is to concentrate on proper training.

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